An open andconsistent culture
Almirall is committed to maintaining a culture of transparency. We are open about our financial relationships with healthcare professionals and business partners.
Our professional interactions stem from a strong belief that through collaboration we provide treatment options to patients affected by skin health conditions.
We are transparent and report financial interactions with healthcare professionals to federal, state and local authorities per applicable laws and requirements.
For information regarding the CMS Open Payments program, please visit
Our Declaration Under the California Health and Safety Code is available here.
Vermont’s Pharmaceutical Marketer Price Disclosure Law
The State of Vermont law 33 V.S.A. § 2005a requires pharmaceutical marketers to disclose to any Vermont physician, hospital, nursing home, pharmacist, health benefit plan administrator, or any other person authorized to prescribe, dispense, or purchase prescription drugs, the Average Wholesale Prices (AWP) of the drugs they market, as well as the AWP of others drugs in the same therapeutic class.
For access to the information for Almirall’s applicable products please visit